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PCLC Trust

PCLC Trust

Careers & ITT

Careers & ITT

Joining Our Team

So, why would you want to join the PCLC team when there are so many jobs out there? Passmores Cooperative Learning Community Trust is a family of schools committed to serving the whole community and we are fully aware that the only way that this can happen is through employing and supporting great members of staff.

As a member of PCLC staff, you will experience an environment where the significant challenges of working with young people are recognised and the need to work collaboratively prioritised.

As a Cooperative Trust, we understand the importance of our service to our community and endeavour to ensure that the legacy of our work is to improve the life quality of those in it.

The focus across the trust on self-improvement and on our own professional learning in order to improve.  Alongside the regular programme staff are supported to undertake research and continue further studies.

There are probably easier places to work but we are certain that there are very few where the sense of belonging is higher. Family comes in many forms and it is always nice to welcome new members.

Vic Goddard